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Durham Duffers and the Dun Cows, Durham City, Co. Durham (UK)

Year founded: 2002
Gender: joint
Organization(s): Morris Federation; Listed with the Conseil International de la Danse and considering membership for next year
Dance type(s): border morris
Kit/Livery: Male kit: Black boots with 6 bells on each, purple knee-high stockings, black knee breeches, purple shirt, black waistcoat with purple and black raggings, black bandana, black sunglasses, the obligatory black face and purple beards for the members who have become too lazy to shave.

Female kit: Black shoes/boots, black opaque stockings, black skirt with purple and black raggings, purple waistcoat, black sunglasses. Headwear has not been fully decided on by the ladies but the obligaotry black face and options for beards is the same as the men's side.

Primary contact: Stan Otterburn - Bagman (Tel.: +44 0 191 384 9052; Email: < uk>)
Practice Day & time: Saturday at 10:00 - 13:00

Web site:
Web site maintainer: Stan Otterburn (

Last modified: 2002/11/25 21:33

sides/durham_duffers_and_the_dun_cows.txt · Last modified: 2002/11/25 20:33 by