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Yateley Morris Men, Yateley, Hampshire (UK)

Year founded: 1975
Gender: men
Organization(s): Morris Ring
Dance type(s): Cotswold morris, mumming
Tradition(s) / style(s): Adderbury, Badby, Bampton, Bledington, Eynsham, Fieldtown, Headington, Ilmington, Lichfield
Kit/Livery: White shirts, black knee breeches, long white socks, black shoes, blue & gold baldricks with yellow badge of gate (=olde English Yate) + crossed keys, black top hats with blue & gold band, bellpads with blue & gold braids.

Primary contact: Paul Montague (Bagman) (Tel.: +44 (0)1276 20817; Email:
Secondary contact: Alan Green (Email:
Practice Day & time: Tuesday at 20:00 - 22:00

Web site:
Web site maintainer: Alan Green (

Last modified: 2001/10/19 09:37

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