Rapscallion Rapper, Amherst, Massachusetts (USA)

Year founded: 2003
Gender: women
Organization(s): CDSS
Dance type(s): rapper sword
Kit/Livery: black on black with a lovely waist sash of seasonally changing colors and a baby on the hip.

Primary contact: Bridget Dahill (Tel.: +1 413 549 9449 ; Email: < bridgetdahill@ verizon.net >)
Practice Day, Time, & Location: Wednesday evenings, Amherst, Mass.

Web site: http://www3.amherst.edu/~bdahill/rapscallion/
Web site maintainer: Bridget Dahill (bridgetdahill@verizon.net)

History/Miscellany: Have yet to dance out without a pregnant dancer. 7 babies in 5 years.

Last modified: 2010/03/01 09:06